In Case of Apocalypse

Nov 1, 2020    Pastor Cliff Purcell

Just when the disciples thought all the apocalypses were in the past (bondage in Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, and Rome would be sent packing soon…) Jesus announces another one. WHAT KIND OF MESSIAH IS THAT?!?!? Then He goes into great detail about signs and seasons and indications and processes and progressions so all the disciples who were into all that would sharpen their pencils, try to figure it all out, try to be the smart ones in class… then He just stares them in the face and says, “BTW, you will NEVER figure it out BECAUSE IT’S LITERALLY NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS OR MINE.” What was the point, then, of Him telling all that stuff? To make this point: live like you’re in the K’dom. Every day. All the time. Like the whole timeline of history were being summed up today. Like the purpose of the ages for all of human existence were being summed up in your life… because it is. Jesus in full display of His love, kindness, truth, and redemptive effort is the point of history, and He has given His Spirit to live in each of us that we might go and Jesus our families and Jesus our neighbors and Jesus our friends and Jesus our workmates and Jesus our schoolmates and Jesus our enemies. The point of the whole human experience has been Jesus and His love. THE POINT! If you dive into all that stuff, you have missed the point. The point is loving God and neighbor, not trying to figure out which leader is anti-Christ and which army is Gog and which is Magog. I promise you don’t have time to live as Jesus would— consumed by love for your fellow man/woman/teen/child— and try to figure out end time scenarios which are guaranteed to all be wrong at the same time. So pick. In case of apocalypse, live like Jesus. Love God and neighbor more than self. Have you been distracted by gov’t, rumors, fears, etc. Focus back on Jesus. Need to? Pray with me.